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New posts in super

In Java super.getClass() prints "Child" not "Parent" - why is that?

java super

Why is the super constructor necessary in PyTorch custom modules?

Working with super in java

java constructor return super

Java Local Nested Classes and accessing super methods

java class nested super

Do you put a super() call a the beginning of your constructors?

super() function in JAVA

java super

Invoking `super` in classmethod called from metaclass.__new__

python inheritance super

Equivalent to super() for functools.singledispatch

What is use of super.paint(g)?

java applet awt paint super

"Ambiguous reference to member 'init(...)" calling baseclass initializer

In Java type arguments, does <? extends E> mean strictly subtypes only? or would E also suffice?

Python super(Class, self).method vs super(Parent, self).method

Rails: DoubleRenderError - "Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action"

Prepare parameter for super constructor

java constructor super

Use of 'super' keyword when accessing non-overridden superclass methods

java coding-style super

Python's super(), abstract base classes, and NotImplementedError

python abstract-class super

Is it possible to impose an upper bound (super X) on a named Generic type?

java generics wildcard super

Which Android Fragment lifecycle methods require super

android overriding super

Why is 'super' a keyword rather than a method in Ruby?

ruby language-design super