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How to sum rows based on multiple conditions - R? [duplicate]

Sum values of column based on the unique values of another column

python pandas dataframe sum

group by + sum on multiple columns in rails 3

Find the elements of an array based on minimum sum

c++ arrays sum subset-sum

Finding the sum of matching components in two lists

python list sum

Summing non-integers in Python

python sum

Java sum of all double does not return expected result [duplicate]

How get multiple SUM() for different columns with GROUP BY

sql sql-server tsql group-by sum

sum divided values problem (dealing with rounding error)

sql sum rounding-error divide

sum over multiple columns

sql sql-server sum

Rolling sum with inequality conditionals

r sum

sql query to find sum of all rows and count of duplicates

sql duplicates sum

Using parentheses ( > ) in Symfony 2.5 and Doctrine query builder

Minimum contiguous sum that can be obtained by performing at most K swaps

What does sum do?

dplyr: sum inside consecutive mutate

r sum dplyr

With pairwise summation, how many terms do I need to get an appreciably wrong result?