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New posts in sudo

To run sudo commands on a ec2 instance

ssh amazon-ec2 sudo jsch pty

Vagrant::Butcher "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" when trying to "cat /etc/chef/client.pem"

chef-infra vagrant sudo

How can I switch to the user jenkins in the middle of a ssh script?

ssh sudo sh su

visudo nopasswd not working

linux sudo sudoers visudo

sudo command on MacOS Sierra does not respect timestamp_timeout

shell sudo macos-sierra

Make rustc, cargo, rustup, rustdoc commands work without sudo inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux

Using the ruby gem net-ssh-multi to execute a sudo command on multiple servers at once

ruby sudo net-ssh

syntax error near unexpected token `do' when run with sudo

linux bash sudo watchdog

Run a command with sudo in bash shell

shell cron sudo

sudo: command not found when I ssh into server

sudo and pip not on the same path

python path sudo

-bash: sudo: command not found Mac OS X (EC2 CLI prob?)

macos bash sudo

error when "sudo pip" on an AWS ec2 instance

`go get` fails with permission denied on certain go packages

macos go sudo

Unable to run .py file from putty, Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

How to provision software using Vagrant without sudo

provisioning sudo vagrant

/usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set version .ubantu14.04 LTS

ubuntu sudo chown

"E: Invalid operation update" error while running shell scripts in WSL