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New posts in subrepos

Is the subprepos feature in Mercurial 1.4.x ready for production use?

subrepo, hg clone and symlinks

mercurial subrepos

How do I only commit a subrepo's changes?

mercurial subrepos

tortoisehg and subrepos

How to convert an existing Mercurial repository to use subrepositories and keep the history intact?

mercurial subrepos

Mercurial hg Subrepository issue - "abort: unknown revision'

mercurial subrepos

Join multiple subrepos into one and preserve history in Mercurial

mercurial subrepos

Any way to pull/update all subrepos?

Pushing mercurial repo without pushing subrepos

mercurial subrepos

Mercurial: Subrepo error -- "abort: commit with new subrepo [path] excluded"

mercurial subrepos

Does a mercurial subrepository have to be a subdirectory of the main repository?

mercurial subrepos

How can I prevent mercurial from pushing subrepos?

Split large repo into multiple subrepos and preserve history (Mercurial)

Mercurial Subrepos - How do you create them and how do they work?

What's a good way to organize projects with shared dependencies in Mercurial? [closed]