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New posts in stubbing

getting the object passed as an argument to a stubbed method with Mocha

How to test a function which takes a block with rspec

Stubbing with Wiremock - WithBodyFile Location other than _files

java stubbing wiremock

Correct way to add helper functions for an rspec spec

Mockito re-stub method already stubbed with thenthrow

java mocking mockito stubbing

Rspec -- need to stub File.open that gets called in another file

What is the difference between rhino-mocks stub and expect

How to stub error raising using Rspec in Rails?

Stubbing defaults in Mockito

java mockito stubbing

Alter Mock<IType> object after .Object property has been called

Mockito: how to stub void methods to run some code when called

How to verify if a specific function is called

go mocking stubbing

Mockito: How to easily stub a method without mocking all parameters

How should I stub a method globally using RSpec?

Stubbing window.location.href with Sinon

RhinoMocks - Stub a Method That Returns a Parameter

Is there a way to stub a method of an included module with Rspec?

ruby rspec mixins stubbing

How to stub a Typescript-Interface / Type-definition?

RSpec: how to test Rails logger message expectations?

logging rspec mocking stubbing

Stubbing authentication in request spec