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New posts in structural-search

Use IntelliJ structural search to replace field and its expression with new field

Get annotation parameter with IntelliJ IDEA structural search

Find all method calls with a specific parameter type with IntelliJ

How to convert a C# object initializer to use a constructor using Resharper structural find and replace

How do I search and replace structurally in Intellij

IntelliJ/structural search: Remove useless methods that only call super method

How to create structural replace in IDEA to add missing annotation to the class

Replace getters with property with IntelliJ Structural Search and Replace

How can I use Intellij Structural Search to find all methods that use two named classes?

Is there a way to disable custom patterns with a comment in Resharper

How to extract a method across files?

IntelliJ IDEA: how to find all instance creation of a class?