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Find all method calls with a specific parameter type with IntelliJ

I have this code base which is rather big ( +/- 500k lines). I'm looking in it to find all the method calls that use a single parameter and that parameter is a specific type.

This means, I want to be able to find method calls like the following:

public class Foo { }
public class Bar { }

public class Doer{
  public void doSomethingFoo(Foo foo) {  }
  public void doSomethingObject(Object object) {  }

public class Usage {
  Doer doer = new Doer();
  public doSomething() {
    Foo anObject = new Foo();
    Bar bar = new Bar();



Since both doer.doSomethingFoo(anObject) and doer.doSomethingObject(anObject) are called, both those statements should be returned by the search. Similarly, doer.doSomethingObject(bar) is not returned. Of course, I don't know that doer exists.

I'm trying to use the Structural Search of IntelliJ to do so. I've used the following template $Instance$.$Method$($Parameter$), with the following parameters:

$Instance$  -> Text/regexp   = .*
$Method$    -> Text/regexp   = .*
$Parameter$ -> Text/regexp   = Foo
               Minimum count = 1     // Minimum one Foo parameter
               Maximum count = 1     // Maximum one Foo parameter

This returns everything that has a parameter named foo (case-insensitive, apparently). So I'm probably doing something wrong here. But what? How can I get all calls to any method where the only param is of type Foo?

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Olivier Grégoire Avatar asked Jun 22 '16 15:06

Olivier Grégoire

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1 Answers

You are almost there. All you need to do now is set the Expression type (regexp) of $Parameter$ to Foo and leave Text/regexp blank. Additionally you may want to enable the Apply constraint within type hierarchy checkbox, to find subclasses of Foo too.

Note that you can leave the Text/regexp of all variables blank. This is equivalent to .*.

like image 150
Bas Leijdekkers Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Bas Leijdekkers