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New posts in string-matching

Real time Prefix matching and auto-complete in Quora

Fuzzy logic matching

Product name string matching against a trie (supporting omissions)

How do I match string till end of text file?

ruby regex string-matching

search keywords efficiently when keywords are multi words

Get records that look like a string with several mixed words

How to remove hidden characters from text string in PHP?

php mysql string-matching

String Matching using fuzzywuzzy- is it using Levenshtein distance or the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern-matching algorithm?

Python multiprocess with pool workers - memory use optimization

How to match a string in a sentence

Is there a faster method to match an arbitrary String to month name in Java

Regex to match several strings but not specific ones

regex perl string-matching

R: Compare character strings across multiple columns to character string in a single column by row

Powershell binary grep

Closest match for Full Text Search

String matching on two columns in [R]

string r string-matching

c# string comparison method returning index of first non match

c# string-matching

Remove ends of string entries in pandas DataFrame column

Search for string allowing for one mismatch in any location of the string