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New posts in string-matching

string matching algorithms used by lucene

jq: how do I update a value based on a substring match?

Count the maximum of consecutive letters in a string

How can I generate a list of words from a group of letters using Perl?

Matching incomplete string in Python dictionary

finding a url in a string lua pattern

Can someone explain to me the Rabin-Karp algorithm's complexity?

Match two strings (char to char) till the first non-match using python

python string-matching

Regex to match 'lol' to 'lolllll' and 'omg' to 'omggg', etc

Optimizing a "set in a string list" to a "set as a matrix" operation

efficient algorithm for searching one of several strings in a text?

Looking up multiple dictionary keys in a Pandas Dataframe & return multiple values for matches

Regular expression for finding a sub-string

Sum of certain letters occurrences in alphanumeric string using Excel

Frequent words in Python

Efficient way to check if a given string is equivalent to at least one string in the given set of strings

How to check if a string is a valid email in android? [duplicate]

Fastest way to reverse a string in python