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New posts in string.format

Need a custom currency format to use with String.Format

c# currency string.format

Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException: Format specifier '10s'

java string string.format

How to format TimeSpan to string before .NET 4.0

String.Format vs ToString()

c# tostring string.format

Format string with dashes

c# .net string.format

Why do the overloads of String.Format exist?

Python string.format() percentage without rounding

String.Format for C++

Escaping single quote in String.Format()

.net escaping string.format

String Interpolation in Visual Studio 2015 and IFormatProvider (CA1305)

How to Conditionally Format a String in .Net?

c# .net string string.format

Is CultureInfo.CurrentCulture really necessary in String.Format()?

c# .net culture string.format

Performance between String.format and StringBuilder

named String.Format, is it possible?

c# string.format

Currency Formatting MVC

String.Format exception when format string contains "{"

c# .net string.format

String.Format: Input string was not in a correct format [closed]

Can I format NULL values in string.Format?

Make String.format("%s", arg) display null-valued arguments differently from "null"

How can I left-align strings using String.format()?