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How to Conditionally Format a String in .Net?

I would like to do some condition formatting of strings. I know that you can do some conditional formatting of integers and floats as follows:

Int32 i = 0;

The above code would result in one of three formats if the variable is positive, negative, or zero.

I would like to know if there is any way to use sections on string arguments. For a concrete, but contrived example, I would be looking to replace the "if" check in the following code:

string MyFormatString(List<String> items, List<String> values)
    string itemList = String.Join(", " items.ToArray());
    string valueList = String.Join(", " values.ToArray());

    string formatString;

    if (items.Count > 0)
    //this could easily be: 
    //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemList))
        formatString = "Items: {0}; Values: {1}";
        formatString = "Values: {1}";

    return String.Format(formatString, itemList, valueList);
like image 376
Adam Tegen Avatar asked Sep 30 '08 19:09

Adam Tegen

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2 Answers

Well, you can simplify it a bit with the conditional operator:

string formatString = items.Count > 0 ? "Items: {0}; Values: {1}" : "Values: {1}";
return string.Format(formatString, itemList, valueList);

Or even include it in the same statement:

return string.Format(items.Count > 0 ? "Items: {0}; Values: {1}" : "Values: {1}",
                     itemList, valueList);

Is that what you're after? I don't think you can have a single format string which sometimes includes bits and sometimes it doesn't.

like image 138
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Jon Skeet

Not within String.Format(), but you could use C#'s inline operators, such as:

return items.Count > 0 
       ? String.Format("Items: {0}; Values: {1}", itemList, valueList)
       : String.Format("Values: {0}", valueList);           

This would help tidy-up the code.

like image 39
Chris Wenham Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Chris Wenham