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New posts in stereo-3d

Rotation and Translation from Essential Matrix incorrect

What's the difference between reprojectImageto3D(OpenCV) and disparity to 3D coordinates?

In a calibrated stereo-vision rig, how does one obtain the "camera matrices" needed for implementing a 3D triangulation algorithm?

Stereo Disparity map generation

Problems with opencv stereoRectifyUncalibrated

AttributeError: module 'cv2' has no attribute 'createStereoBM'

python opencv stereo-3d

Adjusting one image's exposure / white balance to match another (with PIL?)

OpenCV Stereo Camera Calibration/Image Rectification

How to calculate the fundamental matrix for stereo vision

Why does stereo 3D rendering require software written especially for it?

opengl stereo-3d

VTK update position of multiple render windows

python render vtk stereo-3d

OpenCV - Tilted camera and triangulation landmark for stereo vision

Why my code is much slower than opencv for a simple StereoBM algorithm?

c++ algorithm opencv stereo-3d

OpenCV 2.4.9 for Python, cannot find chessboard (camera calibration tutorial)

python-2.7 opencv stereo-3d

What is the baseline of a stereo camera?

Stereo Vision with Minoru 3d Webcam in Processing and OpenCV

How can I output a HDMI 1.4a-compatible stereoscopic signal from an OpenGL application to a 3DTV?

Python - Perspective transform for OpenCV from a rotation angle

Stereo vision with OpenCV

opencv stereo-3d

What's the conceptual difference between bundle adjustment and structure from motion?