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New posts in std

Why doesn't Assert::AreEqual in the VS UnitTesting framework work with std::string?

How to pass predicate as function parameter

c++ stl vector predicate std

template enable if is pointer

c++ templates c++11 std

Iterator for C++11 map values (simple and transparent)

c++ c++11 map iterator std

Overload operator>> for std::pair<int, int>

limited size queue

c++ boost queue std

C++: std::vector [] operator

c++ stl std stdvector

Why does std::min(std::initializer_list<T>) take arguments by value?

C++: Find any element from container1 not in container2

c++ algorithm stl std

C++ random yields different numbers for same Mersenne Twister seed when using float precision

Why do streams still convert to pointers in C++11?

c++ c++11 g++ std iostream

std::hash template partial specialization

How does std::sort work for list of pairs?

c++ algorithm sorting stl std

C++11 : error: ‘begin’ is not a member of ‘std’

Why doesn't std::noskipws work, or what is it supposed to do?

c++ std cin

Remove all commas, dots and lowercase the string with single iteration

c++ optimization std

How to handle evolving c++ std:: namespace? e.g.: std::tr1::shared_ptr vs. std::shared_ptr vs. boost::shared_ptr vs. boost::tr1::shared_ptr

c++ boost portability std tr1

Pass std algos predicates by reference in C++

How is std::advance implemented to change behavior on iterator type?

Getting the bounding box of a vector of points?

c++ boost std bounding-box