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Getting ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

sqlplus oracle12c

SQL*Plus how to accept text variable from prompt?

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DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE not printing anything [duplicate]

Running sqlplus in background in Unix

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Group function is not allowed here

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EXECUTE recognizes a stored procedure, CALL does not

oracle sqlplus

Columns displayed in incorrect order when select * from table in sql developer

dbms_output size buffer overflow

What's the difference between "commit" and "commit work"?

oracle sqlplus

What is the difference between bind variables and substitution variables(which I input using &&)?

SQL*Plus - numeric column shows hex characters

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Oracle 12c double quote on password restrictions

oracle sqlplus

sqlplus /nolog outputting --help and exiting`

bash sqlplus

EXPORT AS INSERT STATEMENTS: But in SQL Plus the line overrides 2500 characters!

oracle sqlplus

PLSQL Procudure (Oracle) Comparing a variable in where clause

Why does a deterministic function execute an extra time in SQL?

Formatting output of queries in SQLPlus

How to find out if a column is an auto increment field in oracle?

Oracle error when executing sqlplus: "SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface"

Header formatting while spooling a csv file in sqlplus

oracle header sqlplus spool