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New posts in sql-server

How to optimize a stored procedure that takes too long to execute?

Converting ntext / text to hex / binary / varbinary


SQL Ordering and Selecting One Nearest Value

Cannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column

SQL syntax to SUM a Count column for calculating percentage distribution

How to create schema bound, cross-database view in SQL Server

How to test if a SQL Server Geography column value is POINT(0 0)?

SQL SERVER 2014 Code Snippets missing

EsentVersionStoreOutOfMemoryAndCleanupTimedOutException when building on new TFS 2013 build machine

sql-server tfs msbuild

SQL Server - any equivalent of Excel's CHOOSE function?

Bulk insert in SQL Server database from one table to another

SQL Server Synchronize data between two database

parameter sniffing

sql sql-server

SQL statement to generate column values

sql sql-server

Missing SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2014 Express

MSSQL - Select distinct products that are found in two columns

How to remove blank rows from SQL result set

sql sql-server select null

SQL Server function to get top level parent in hierarchy

Format sql column when using select

sql sql-server

Joining and Repeating Rows