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Creating a CLR Table Valued Function

sql-server clr

Why can't I shrink transaction log?

TSQL error on insert "String or binary data would be truncated"

When do Global Temporary Tables get destroyed in SQL Server?


LINQ Union between two tables with the same fields and then returned in a collection

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GO causes error when used in EXEC: "Incorrect syntax near 'GO'."

SQL Server 2014 Upgrade Advisor failing

Can't add System.IO.Compression to trusted assemblies in SQL Server

c# .net sql-server ssms sqlclr

Import first 1000 records into sql server from a csv file

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How to transform XML data into SQL Server Table

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Why does datediff return 1 day less than the actual difference?

sql sql-server

What does the '..' in 'SELECT * FROM database..table' mean?

sql sql-server

SQL Update one item at a time in order

c# sql sql-server ado.net

How to compare dates which is stored as String(varchar) in database?

mysql sql sql-server oracle

Installing driver for Squirrel sql client on linux to connect to MS sql server

Cannot access the package / the package does not exist

sql-server ssis

Case statement with end = 1 in T/SQL query

sql-server tsql case

Sql Server create table queries

Why does adding columns to group by increases rows returned

sql sql-server

Trimming off last character if it is a comma SQL