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New posts in sql-server-2012

SQL Server 2012 Read Only Connection

sql sql-server-2012

Change Data Capture errors

Replicating from SQL to RavenDB

Sync two or more SQL Server 2012 databases

Why in Partition 'SWITCH' statement source & target must reside in the same filegroup?

"ConnectionError: Already connecting to database! Call close before connecting to different database" connecting SQL server with nodejs

Fuzzy logic matching

How can a delete statement conflict with a REFERENCE constraint when there are no matching records in the referenced table?

XPath fn:data in sql server causes Type conversion in expression may affect "CardinalityEstimate" in query plan choice

SQL Novice - subquery

Arabic FullText Search in SQL Server

Future of "Logical Records" in SQL Merge Replication

Validating SSIS 2012 packages programatically via SSIS Catalog Managed Object Model

what would cause a linked server to return a limited amount of data?

Error passing Session Variable to SQLDataSource

ADO.net SQL Server 2012 - Query with composite key and MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey incorrectly adds constraint

SQL: short-circuiting not working. "Null or empty full-text predicate" after upgrading to SQL Server 2012

Will SSDTBI for Visual Studio 2013 work with SQL Server 2012?

Minor inconsistency while calculating distance between two points

sys view equivalent of INFORMATION_SCHEMA query