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New posts in sql-server-2005

Converting between SQL char and C#

add user and assign role in aspnet membership through sql servers SP

How to list the source table name of columns in a VIEW (SQL Server 2005)

sql tsql sql-server-2005 view

FULL OUTER JOIN duplicating rows using COALESCE

T-SQL procedure giving a boolean result

sql-server-2005 tsql

Getting a boolean from a date compare in t-sql select

SQL Server Top 1

sql server ports 445 and 1433

SQL Server 2005 IsNumeric Not catching '0310D45'

IIF statement in SQL Server 2005

How can I format a datetime to varchar with the format dd-MMM-yyyy?

Package deployment error - change connection string to SQLNCLI10 or find and install support for SQLNCLI.1?

How can I use transactions that span procedures chained across multiple servers?

TransactionInDoubtException using System.Transactions on SQL Server 2005

Rename all tables in database

Performing string concatenation from rows of data in a TSQL view (pivot?)

saving code snippets in sql server

Insert into with multiple subqueries as values

Adding user and password to Sql Server database


SQL: Dynamic view with column names based on column values in source table