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New posts in sql-server-2005

Index varchar on MS SQL Server 2005

sql sql-server-2005

MS Access Application - Convert data storage from Access to SQL Server

What is the best way to assign the returned value of a stored proc to a variable in SQL?

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime

What are the compelling reasons to choose SQL Server 2008 over 2005?

what is the diffrence between truncate and delete in sql server?


T-SQL: can I use a variable as a database reference

Return one of two columns in a view - whichever one is not null

How to delete all duplicate records from SQL Table?

Update WHERE NOT EXISTS problem

SQL Server PIVOT perhaps?

Setting and resetting the DATEFORMAT in SQLServer 2005

How to pass parameter values to a T-SQL query

SQL: how to select single record for multiple id's on the basis of max datetime?

identifying values which would be truncated in an insert query

SQL Server, select a record every 'x' amount of records

Converting datetime format to 12 hour

Programmatically detach SQL Server database to copy mdf file

SQL Server won't use my index

How to solve 'invalid object name' in SQL Server?

sql sql-server-2005