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SQL Server PIVOT perhaps?

SELECT Name1, Name2, Value FROM mytable gives me the following result set:

Name1 Name2 Value
A     P1     1
A     P2     1
A     P3     2
B     P1     3
B     P2     1
B     P4     1

How do I translate that to:

       A     B
P1     1     4
P2     1     1
P3     2     null
P4     null  1


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user683302 Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 20:08


1 Answers

Since you are using SQL Server 2005, here is the code:

DECLARE @sqlquery VARCHAR(2000)

SELECT  @cols = STUFF(( SELECT distinct  ',' + QuoteName([Name1])
                        FROM myTable FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') 

SET @sqlquery = 'SELECT * FROM
      (SELECT Name2, Name1, Value
       FROM myTable ) base
       PIVOT (Sum(Value) FOR [Name1]
       IN (' + @cols + ')) AS finalpivot'

EXECUTE ( @sqlquery )

This will work no matter how many different status you have. It dynamically assembles a query with PIVOT. The only way you can do PIVOT with dynamic columns is by assembling the the query dynamically, which can be done in SQL Server.

Other examples:

  • Pivot data in T-SQL
  • How do I build a summary by joining to a single table with SQL Server?
  • https://stackoverflow.com/q/8248059/570191
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Adriano Carneiro Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10

Adriano Carneiro