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New posts in sql-server-2005

XQuery/XPath uses sql parameter?

How did my database security fail?

how to get hours from subtracting two date time values in SQL Server 2005

sql sql-server-2005

MS Access error "ODBC--call failed. Invalid character value for cast specification (#0)"

T-Sql Select * Between 30% and 40%

Deleting multiple rows with a single query

Please can anyone why explain dropping and recreating stored procedures in SQL Server 2005 causes much more of an initial slow down than expected?

How to limit the size of a table?

Recursive CTE to find parent records

Retrieving database name from bak file

SQL Server ROWLOCK over a SELECT if not exists INSERT transaction

Should I dynamically recreate a PDF, rather than store it in either the database or the filesystem?

How do I query for foreign keys that don't match their constraints?

How to delete all but the latest 20,000 records in MS SQL 2005?

Best way to create a SQL Server rollback script?

Best way to find free space in sql server databases?

How do I make schema changes to a mirrored database?

adding a unique id and PK to existing tables

What is SQL Server Reporting Services?

Inserting data multiple times into an SQL table, from a single button on Windows Forms