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New posts in sprite-kit

How to detect all nodes or specific nodes in a touchBegins

ios sprite-kit

How to create an autoreversing animation that loops forever in Sprite Kit?

ios iphone sprite-kit skaction

SpriteKit support multiple device orientations

iOS+SpriteKit: How to force portrait mode?

Delay when dismissing a viewController on iOS 9

Performing actions in order (not asynchronously) on different nodes

swift sprite-kit

Swift: Using switch statement in touchesBegan

control max speed in sprite kit

ios objective-c sprite-kit

Building a chess board game in Sprite Kit using Swift? [closed]

ios swift sprite-kit

Centering the camera on a node in swift spritekit

swift sprite-kit

Write a text in a circle in Sprite kit (swift)

How do I set the initial focus on buttons in a view controller running on tvOS (AppleTV)?

How can I play a custom sound in WatchOS 3 that will playback on the watch speakers

audio sprite-kit watchos-3

SpriteKit - Making a sprite defy gravity (like a balloon)

ios sprite-kit

How to duplicate a sprite in sprite kit and have them behave differently

swift sprite-kit

Spritekit adding a sound effect

How do you hide the status bar for SpriteKit games? [duplicate]

How to cache or preload SKLabelNode font?

Swift SpriteKit SKSpriteNode's "Sometimes" Don't Show Up

Doing completely custom animations with Core Animation - performance