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New posts in sprite-kit

How do I get a callback from a SpriteKit repeating action when the sprite reaches the end of a path?

-mouseMoved OSX does not get called in a sprite kit SKScene

Check if SKAction is running

Sprite Kit - Hiding SKSpriteNode

ios objective-c sprite-kit

Sprite-Kit Pinch to Zoom Problems UIPinchGestureRecognizer

Render SKScene to SKTexture?

how to present UIViewController from SKScene

OpenAL vs AVAudioPlayer vs other techniques for playing sounds

How do you add background music to SpriteKit?

how come sprites start flashing?

swift sprite-kit

SpriteKit. A change from optional to force unwrap crashes the app

sprite-kit swift3

Spritekit scale full game to iPad

ios xcode sprite-kit

Using a sprite atlas, texture atlas, or asset catalog in SpriteKit projects

Sprite kit- Cannot change the colour of text (always white)

text ios7 sprite-kit

access child nodes in spritekit

ios objective-c sprite-kit

Purposely slowing down FPS Spritekit

Using Sprite Kit, how can I let an object jump?

sprite-kit skphysicsbody

Delay when calling SKLabelNode?

How to make a specific object defy gravity? (SpriteKit / Objective-C)

ios objective-c sprite-kit

How to Wrap Text Around a Circle in Sprite Kit / Swift

ios swift sprite-kit