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New posts in spring-transactions

Hibernate: LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role. Could not initialize proxy - no Session

Spring JTA configuration - how to set TransactionManager?

Transaction Synchronization in Spring Kafka

Why doesn't Spring's @Transactional work on protected methods?

@Async and @Transactional: not working

Order of Spring @Transactional and Spring Security @PreAuthorize

How to configure AspectJ with Load Time Weaving without Interface

Nested @Transactional methods with @Async

Spring Global transaction vs Local transaction

Spring self injection for transactions

Mysql master/slave replication .Connect to master even for read queries? (does Driver "ping" master before going to slave?)

Intercept transaction only when is sure to be committed but before is committed

Difference between JtaTransactionManager and ChainedTransactionManager ?

Does Spring @transaction work on a concrete method of abstract class

Spring application has Cglib2AopProxy warnings

What are advantages of using @Transactional(readOnly = true)?

Handle spring-data-rest application events within the transaction

Prevent Dozer from triggering Hibernate lazy loading

Setting Up Annotation Driven Transactions in Spring in @Configuration Class

How to set autocommit to false in spring jdbc template