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New posts in spring-transactions

setting isolation level in spring annotation-based transactions

Spring disable transactions for a single class method

Is Spring @Service transactional?

How do I get the connection inside of a Spring transaction?

Spring4 @Scheduled @Transaction throws no transaction is in progress at flush for mutliple dataSources

Hibernate transaction manager configurations in Spring

Does the Spring transaction manager bind a connection to a thread?

When to use transactions in Spring with Hibernate?

Spring OpenSessionInViewFilter with @Transactional annotation

Why @Scheduled annotation doesn't work with @Transaction annotation. Spring Boot [duplicate]

hibernate session.flush with spring @transactional

The Old "@Transactional from within the same class" Situation

Call async service which return DeferredResults, multiple times without increasing execution time

Attempt to update step execution id=1 with wrong version (2), where current version is 1

Do we need both @Transactional and @Modifying annotation in Spring?

Transaction management with Spring Batch

Spring and Hibernate suddenly set the transaction to readonly

How to configure TransactionManager programmatically

How to execute custom SQL query with spring-managed transactional EntityManager