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New posts in load-time-weaving

Why is Spring @Value incompatible with @Controller?

Spring caching issues when using AspectJ LTW

AspectJ LTW of all applications deployed to a single JVM

Is it possible to exclude interface classes from AspectJ weaving

How can Spring AspectJ weaving work without the -javaagent vm option?

Spring Boot AOP load time weaving

How to make Tomcat work with TomcatInstrumentableClassLoader defined in META-INF/context.xml together with WEB-INF/lib/spring-instrument-tomcat.jar

Configuring Integration Tests using Spring/Jetty (or Tomcat)/Maven for REST tests

how to setup load-time weaving with Spring and Tomcat WITHOUT using the -javaagent on the command line

AspectJ - Compile-time vs load-time weaving

Load time weaving in AspectJ using aop.xml

Spring Boot - Can't get load time weaving with aspectj to work

Spring: Is CGLIB required for injection of a concrete class using @Resource

AspectJ load-time weaving for signed jars

Trouble configuring AspectJ LTW with Tomcat and Spring

How to configure load-time weaving with AspectJ and Tomcat?

Running Unit Tests using Maven in Spring LTW Environment