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New posts in spring-data-jpa

Spring's AspectJ-mode caching versus AspectJ-mode transactions

Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping'

Replacing entire contents of spring-data Page, while maintaining paging info

POST request with Many-to-many relationship in Spring Data REST

JPA: The redundant save anti-pattern

Rewrite query in JPA

jpa spring-data-jpa jpa-2.0

Query result in JSON format (key value pair) on using @Query annotation in Spring Boot, Hibernate

What is the default isolation level across nested transactions (instead of concurrent ones)?

How to know underlying database name via Spring Data JPA

Find entity by exact matching in collection

How to sort by fetched properties with distinct JPA Specifications

How to bind Spring Data REST entities to transfer objects?

Spring boot rest service, how to get it to marshal the links as properties?

Spring Boot Data JPA tables with search, pagination and sorting

Spring Data: multiple repository interfaces into a single 'repository' service class

How can I use Spring's pagination (using Pageable) while writing a dynamic query using QueryDSL?

Spring Data: limit result for custom query

@OneToOne make primary key as foreign key at the same time (Spring JPA/Hibernate)

Spring Data JPA: return empty List instead of null

IllegalArgumentException: No visible constructors in class TestDatabaseAutoConfiguration$EmbeddedDataSourceFactoryBean