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New posts in spring-data-jpa

How to call a stored procedure in Spring Data JPA without entities (and therefore without repositories)? [duplicate]

Failed to load driver class org.postgresql.Driver in either of HikariConfig class loader or Thread context classloader

Relation ManyToOne, javax.persistence.EntityExistsException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

jpa spring-data-jpa

Hibernate Stored Procedure calls with multiple named parameters and result set not working

Spring data JPA Spel - @Query Issue

Spring expression language (SpEL) not working on JPA/hibernate entity

JPA Hibernate Dynamic entity mapping & persistence at runtime

mongodb spring connection lost overnight

Caching on methods in JpaRepository (Spring Data)

SpringFox, Spring Data Rest with JpaRepository - Swagger doesn't recognize Rest repositories with spring boot

How to perform queries on hierarchical entities using querydsl or spring data jpa specification?

How to ignore unique violation during insert list of objects which contain set of object