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New posts in spring-3

RestTemplate post for entity

spring spring-mvc spring-3

Best practices when using Spring 3 annotations

Spring 3 Security: AccessDeniedHandler is not being invoked

difference between @Component and @Configuration in Spring 3

java spring spring-3

Is there any way to override a bean discovered by component scan?

Spring MVC: How to remove session attribute?

spring-mvc spring-3

JDBCTemplate queryForMap for retrieving multiple rows [duplicate]

Dynamic css not applied in my menu (tiles + spring 3.0)

No Session found for current thread (Spring 3.1.X and Hibernate 4)

Need understanding of spring.handlers and spring.schemas

Spring's @Scheduled error : Only one AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor may exist within the context

Can Spring MVC's REST framework accept query strings rather than PathVariables?

A component named 'XXX' is already defined in this module in JBoss 7.1.1

@EnableTransactionManagement annotation with 2 transaction managers

org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Session found for current thread

Can @PathVariable return null if it's not found?

Multiple scenarios @RequestMapping produces JSON/XML together with Accept or ResponseEntity

EJB 3.1 or Spring 3.. When to choose which one?

Benefits of JavaConfig over XML configurations in Spring?

Encoded slash (%2F) with Spring RequestMapping path param gives HTTP 400