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New posts in spring-3

Spring 3 : Can't find AuthenticationProcessingFilter

spring-security spring-3

How to obtain Spring transaction manager instance?

how to use @value annotation inside a method to read a a property from property file?

spring annotations spring-3

Spring security logout goes to j_spring_security_logout

Generate full XML configuration from Spring 3 annotations

Spring Conversion Service: how to convert String to List<MyType>?

Spring 3.1: Redirect after login not working

java spring-3

customizing spring 3 mvc:annotation for RequestMappingHandlerMapping

spring spring-mvc spring-3

Integrating JSR-356 WebSocket @ServerEndpoint with Spring 3 beans

Creating unitary tests in Spring 3

Use custom validation messages in Hibernate + Spring

Where are valid values defined for @Scope in web-aware and portal spring contexts?

Change @ManagedResource objectName dynamically

java spring jmx spring-3

Spring 3 NamespaceHandler issues with Maven Shade plugin

Two-way converter in spring

java spring-3

How do you configure a controller-specific field formatter with Spring MVC?

Exception in GWT Dev Mode + Spring 3.1 + Hibernate 4.0.1

How can I qualify an autowired setter that I don't "own"

HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException after upgrading to Spring 3.2