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New posts in spring-3

In Spring 3.1 can <mvc:interceptors> be used in conjunction with @Configuration

Spring MVC 3.0: How do I bind to a persistent object

How to determine implemented interfaces for jms connection factories using Spring 3.2.1, Jboss AS7, Aspectj 1.7.1 java 1.7?

Starting a project with Spring 3

spring-webmvc.jar does not come with the Spring Framework 3.0.5 download

spring spring-mvc spring-3

Spring security - why does RoleVoter supports all classes and WebExpressionVoter only supports subclasses of FilterInvocation?

Set Hibernate session's flush mode in Spring

hibernate spring spring-3

Is there a way to have if/else conditions in an xml in spring mvc3?

Disable Spring method security in version 3.0.x

Using @Value annotation with static final variable in Spring Framework

Link/ include css in FreeMarker using Spring 3 MVC

How to pool objects in Spring?

Spring 3 ,with Java based configuration, and Resources access issue

spring-mvc spring-3

how to override single bean defined in application context

spring spring-mvc spring-3

Can't get Spring MVC dispatcher to work properly when url pattern is a path

Connecting to JMX server in spring throws exception!

java jmx spring-3

Uploading multiple files using Spring MVC 3.0.2 after HiddenHttpMethodFilter has been enabled

How to do a @CrossOrigin annotation in Spring 3?

Spring 3.0 MVC binding nested object