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Counting no. of matches from two lists given a condition to split the original list

python list split boolean

Divide data set into 60%, 20%, 20%

Partition matrix into N equally-sized chunks with R

r matrix dataframe split

Split text by sentence but not by special patterns

r regex split

Split PDF according to pages in R

r pdf split tabulizer

.split() a string containing the characters "++" [duplicate]

java regex split

Split a string and check if all elements are unique in R

r string split

split data.frame in two based on one column values

r dataframe split rows

Using escaped_list_separator with boost split

c++ boost split tokenize

Regex divide with upper-case

unsplit list, merge factors

What is the equivalent of PHP's list() function in Java?

java php list split

I am trying to split/explode/preg_split a string but I want to keep the delimiter

Ruby: splitting a string without removing separators

ruby string split

Delphi - Split string by line break

Split a string at a single space

How to return array() in vba function to use it in cells Array formulas (matricial formula) : for split texte in multi cells

sscanf c++ splitting string to ints sometimes doesn't work

c++ string split int scanf

fast method in Python to split a large text file using number of lines as input variable

Best way to split a string containing question marks and equals

java string split