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New posts in special-characters

How to display special characters in PHP

PHP mail special characters in subject field

twig striptags and html special chars

How to insert special characters into a database?

How to show superscript for "®" registered symbol?

Problem with & and double quotes in my Android app

Android default charset when sending http post/put - Problems with special characters

special characters (emoticons) in text file

How can I include special characters (tab, newline) in a python doctest result string?

Replace special characters before the file is uploaded using PHP

php special-characters

Mysql Create Database with special characters in the name

mysql special-characters

In PHP when submitting strings to the database should I take care of illegal characters using htmlspecialchars() or use a regular expression?

Converting special charactes such as ü and à back to their original, latin alphbet counterparts in C#

Is there a HTML/CSS way to display HTML tags without parsing?

How can I decode HTML entities?

Use of special characters in function names

Insert × using CSS pseudo element

JSTL escaping special characters [duplicate]

jQuery - Replace all parentheses in a string

What exactly is the linear whitespace? (LWS/LWSP)