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New posts in special-characters

R: creating vectors of latin/greek expression for plot titles, axis labels, or legends

T-SQL special characters to escape for LIKE operator wildcard search

Replace "\'" with any other character with String's replace()

CKEditor add more symbols

Perl regexp how to escape only some chars

Why are there two slashes - forward and backward? [closed]


Convert special character (i.e. Umlaut) to most likely representation in ascii [duplicate]

Apostrophe converted into & # 039 ; in twig

Using sed on Mac OS 10 to replace tab character in text files

Sending a string containing special characters through a TcpClient (byte[])

Golang truncate strings with special characters without corrupting data

go utf-8 special-characters

Accents on numbers in HTML (like a ^ over 1)

PHP 5.6 upgrade and special characters

php special-characters

Square brackets in XML?

How can I display "$£Ω€απ⅔" in Jasperserver PDF using iReport?

ajax post special characters

Convert A Char To Keys

c# char key special-characters

replace multiple occurrences of any special character by one in python

How can I remove special characters from a list of elements in python? [closed]

ConnectionStrings in app.config with characters that the .config file doesn't like