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Golang truncate strings with special characters without corrupting data

I am trying to write a function to truncate strings with special characters in golang. One example is below


However I am doing it based on the number of characters allowed and cutting it in the middle. This results in data getting corrupted.

The result comes out like


The should not be there. How do we detect these special characters and split it based on the length of these characters?

package main

import (

var reNameBlacklist = regexp.MustCompile(`(&|>|<|\/|:|\n|\r)*`)
var maxFileNameLength = 30

// SanitizeName sanitizes user names in an email
func SanitizeName(name string, limit int) string {

    result := name
    reNameBlacklist.ReplaceAllString(result, "")
    if len(result) > limit {
        result = result[:limit] + "..."
    return result

func main() {
  str := "H㐀〾▓朗퐭텟şüöžåйкл¤"

    strsan := SanitizeName(str, maxFileNameLength)

like image 780
Sakib Avatar asked Sep 26 '17 00:09


2 Answers

Slicing strings treats them as their underlying byte array; the slice operator operates on indexes of bytes, not of runes (which can be multiple bytes each). However, range over a string iterates on runes - but the index returned is of bytes. This makes it fairly straightforward to do what you're looking for (full playground example here):

func SanitizeName(name string, limit int) string {
    name = reNameBlacklist.ReplaceAllString(name, "")
    result := name
    chars := 0
    for i := range name {
        if chars >= limit {
            result = name[:i]
    return result

This is explained in further detail on the Go blog


As commenters below suggest, you can normalize arbitrary UTF8 to NFC (Normalization Form Canonical Composition), which combines some multi-rune forms like diacritics into single-rune forms where possible. This adds a single step using golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm. Playground example of this here: https://play.golang.org/p/93qxI11km2f

func SanitizeName(name string, limit int) string {
    name = norm.NFC.String(name)
    name = reNameBlacklist.ReplaceAllString(name, "")
    result := name
    chars := 0
    for i := range name {
        if chars >= limit {
            result = name[:i]
    return result
like image 55
Adrian Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


The reason your data is getting corrupted is because some characters use more than one byte and you are splitting them. To avoid this Go has type rune which represents a UTF-8 character. You can just cast the string to a []rune like this:

func SanitizeName(name string, limit int) string{   
    reNameBlacklist.ReplaceAllString(name, "")
    result := []rune(name)
    // Remove the special chars here
    return string(result[:limit])

This should only leave the first limit UTF-8 characters.

like image 37
Topo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
