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New posts in spatial-index

Why not B+-Tree MongoDB

Query processor could not produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit the query and without using SET FORCEPLAN

What spatial indexing algorithm should I use?

How to create spatial index using EF 6.1 fluent API

Know of any C# spatial data libraries? [closed]

c# .net spatial spatial-index

Hibernate spatial index annotation

Spatial matching of big datasets

Why are my spatial searches slower in SQL Server than PostGIS?

Selecting a good SQL Server 2008 spatial index with large polygons

Where do I store shapes in an octree?

Implementations of spatial indexes in Haskell?

haskell spatial-index

Algorithm to quickly find animals away from the herd

libspatialindex and Rtree on python

Spatial Index in MySQL - ERROR - Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

Approximate, incremental nearest-neighbour algorithm for moving bodies

Optimising the drawing of overlapping rectangles

What is a SPATIAL INDEX and when should I use it?