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New posts in entity-framework-6.1

The property 'Private' is not a String or Byte array. Length can only be configured for String and Byte array properties

How to get better table alias names for SQL statements created by Entity Framework?

MVC 5 Scaffolding with inheritance uses the wrong entity set

Relationship not set to null

Generating a SQL view from EF 6.1 code first

Migrating SimpleMembership to Identity 2.0

Downside of using transaction dispose with entity framework integration testing

MVC / Entity Code-First Multiple Contexts with Referential Integrity between them

Want Entity Framework 6.1 eager loading to load only first level

TransactionScope around Many to Many Insert with Entity Framework returns TimeoutException

How can you add a navigation property on a view in EF 6.1 CodeFirst

Preventing "'System.DateTime' failed because the materialized value is null"

Entity Framework creates empty migration but insists that my model is different

Unable to update Foreign Key in Entity Framework 6

Persisting and retrieving serialized entity property with Entity Framework 6.1 code first

EntityFramework Stored Proc Function Import is it possible to read async?

Entity Framework 6 - Does not create tables when enabling Migrations