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Persisting and retrieving serialized entity property with Entity Framework 6.1 code first

Example: Let's say I have these three classes. Foo is a proper Entity Framework entity with a DbSet whereas I want my EF DbContext to be unaware of Bar and Baz because I have flagged Foo's Bar property with my made up SerializedColumn attribute. By applying that attribute, I want EF to serialize the instance of Bar with its Bazes into a single string field, and transparently deserialize Bar to a Bar object when a Foo is materialized by EF.

public class Foo
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public Bar Bar { get; set; }
    // ..

public class Bar
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Baz[] Baz { get; set; }
    // ..

public class Baz
    public string Name { get; set; }
    // ..

So Foo's table columns would look like:

[Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL
[Bar] [nvarchar](max) NULL

And when I query a Foo I get back one with the Bar property already deserialized. When I insert or update a Foo the Bar property gets serialized by EF without me having to think about it. The only thing I have to do is add the [SerializeColumn] attribute to properties.


  • I'm not necessarily looking for a full blown solution (although I would accept it) but for guidance on where to jump into EF's pipeline, and how to do that. I.E. what EF classes, configurations, conventions, etc. do I need to take into account?
  • I want Migrations to be generated as one would expect. Which is to say, I wouldn't want my Bar property to turn into a "Bar_Id" field that points to a "Bar" table. Instead I want a nvarchar(max) "Bar" field that will contain the serialized version of a Bar object. If this simply isn't possible, please say so in your answer.


  • The idea for this came after watching the Building Applications with Entity Framework 6 video by Rowan Miller.
  • ComplexType does not serve my needs. I need deep serialization and do not need to be able to filter or sort on any properties of what has been serialized.
  • I plan on serializing with Newtonsoft's JSON library, but how serialization happens doesn't really matter.
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Jeremy Cook Avatar asked Nov 24 '15 23:11

Jeremy Cook

1 Answers

The only solution is this,

public class Foo
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    // Not Mapped attribute will make EF
    // ignore this property completely
    public Bar BarObject { 

    public string Bar{
          return JsonConvert.Serialize(BarObject);
          BarObject = JsonConvert.Deserialize<BarObject>(value);

Updated as per suggestion by @zds

like image 99
Akash Kava Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Akash Kava