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Query Users who have all requested records in two tables

Data structure looks like:


UserApp(user_id, app_id)

UserSkill(user_id, skill_id)

Using linq-to-sql or EF, how would I construct a query to elegantly return only users who possess every requested app and skill?

In addition, how would I adjust the query to return any user who possesses at least one of the requested apps or skills? Essentially an OR vs AND (above).


So I think we're close. Basically I want to only return users who have ALL the requested apps and skills. If we have two arrays of requested ids for skills and apps:

int[] requestedAppIDs // [1, 2, 3]
int[] requestedSkillIDs // [4, 5, 6]

I would only want to return a user if they have apps 1,2,3 AND skills 4,5,6.

var usersWithAllSelectedAppsAndSkills = 
        k => k.id,
        k => k.user_id,
        (o, i) => new { User = o, UserApps = i })
        k => k.User.id,
        k => k.user_id,
        (o, i) => new { User = o.User, o.UserApps, UserSkills = i })
    .Where(w => !requestedAppIDs.Except(w.UserApps.Select(x => x.app_id).ToArray()).Any() && !requestedSkillIDs.Except(w.UserSkills.Select(x => x.skill_id).ToArray()).Any())
    .Select(s => s.User)

Obviously, LINQ does not know how to translate the UserSkills.Select().ToArray()'s in my Where() to SQL. How can I accomplish this?

And, secondarily the OR solution as well (user has any one of the requested apps or skills).

like image 801
bmherold Avatar asked Oct 15 '14 08:10


People also ask

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In SQL, to fetch data from multiple tables, the join operator is used. The join operator adds or removes rows in the virtual table that is used by SQL server to process data before the other steps of the query consume the data.

Can we fetch data from two tables?

Below statement could be used to get data from multiple tables, so, we need to use join to get data from multiple tables.

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The FULL JOIN clause retrieves all the records from both the tables irrespective of the match between the values in the columns used in the FULL JOIN clause.

2 Answers

This will do the job as long as the user_id – app_id and user_id – skill_id values in the UserApp and UserSkill tables are unique.

var requestedSkillIDs = new[] { 4, 5, 6 };
var skillCount = requestedSkillIDs.Length;
var requestedAppIDs = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var appCount = requestedAppIDs.Length;

using (var context = new TestContext()) {

    var appQuery = context.UserApp.Where(p => requestedAppIDs.Contains(p.AppId))
                        .GroupBy(p => p.UserId)
                        .Where(p => p.Count() == appCount);

    var skillQuery = context.UserSkill.Where(p => requestedSkillIDs.Contains(p.SkillId))
                        .GroupBy(p => p.UserId)
                        .Where(p => p.Count() == skillCount);

    var result = from a in appQuery
                    join s in skillQuery on a.Key equals s.Key
                    join u in context.Users on s.Key equals u.Id
                    select u;

    var users = result.ToList();
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codeworx Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11


Here's one way to do it, I hope i got all the syntax right :)

   using (var context = new YourContext())
              var usersWithAllSkills = context.User
                                 .Where(w => w.id == yourId)
                                        k => k.id,
                                        k => k.user_id,
                                        (o,i) => o)
                                        k => k.id,
                                        k => k.user_id,
                                        (o,i) => o)

         var usersWithAnySkill = context.User
                            .Where(w => w.id == yourId)
                                        k => k.id,
                                        k => k.user_id,
                                        (o,i) => new { User = o, UserSkills = i })
                                        k => k.User.id,
                                        k => k.user_id,
                                        (o,i) => new { User = o.User, o.UserSkills ,UserApps = i  })
                            .Where(w => w.UserSkills != null || w.UserApps != null)
                            .Select(s => s.User)

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DaEagle Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 20:11
