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Speeding up a linq entitiy query

I currently have a query which not takes a long time and sometimes crashes because of the amount of data in the database.

Can someone notice anything i can do to help speed it up?

public IList<Report> GetReport(CmsEntities context, long manufacturerId, long? regionId, long? vehicleTypeId)
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            var today = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
            var date1monthago = today.AddMonths(-1);
            var date2monthago = today.AddMonths(-2);
            var date3monthago = today.AddMonths(-3);
            var date4monthago = today.AddMonths(-4);
            var date5monthago = today.AddMonths(-5);
            var date6monthago = today.AddMonths(-6);
            today = TimeManager.EndOfDay(new DateTime(now.AddMonths(-1).Year, today.AddMonths(-1).Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(now.Year, today.AddMonths(-1).Month)));             
            var query = from item in context.Invoices
                         where item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(x => x.ManufacturerId).Contains(manufacturerId)
                         && (item.InvoiceDate >= date6monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
                         && (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0 ? item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(x => x.RegionId).Contains(regionId.Value) : true)
                         && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
                         && (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0 ? item.Repair.Job.Vehicle.Model.VehicleTypes.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(vehicleTypeId.Value) : true)
                         select item;

            var query2 = from item in query
                         group item by new { item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop } into g
                         let manufJobs = query.Where(x => x.Repair.Job.Vehicle.Model.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId && x.Repair.Job.BodyshopId == g.Key.Bodyshop.Id)
                         let allJobs = query.Where(x => x.Repair.Job.BodyshopId == g.Key.Bodyshop.Id)
                         select new tReport
    MonthSixManufJobTotal = manufJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date6monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date6monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    MonthSixJobTotal = allJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date6monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date6monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    MonthFiveManufJobTotal = manufJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date5monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date5monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    MonthFiveJobTotal = allJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date5monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date5monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    MonthFourManufJobTotal = manufJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date4monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date4monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    MonthFourJobTotal = allJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date4monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date4monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    MonthThreeManufJobTotal = manufJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date3monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date3monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    MonthThreeJobTotal = allJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date3monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date3monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    MonthTwoManufJobTotal = manufJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date2monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date2monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    MonthTwoJobTotal = allJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date2monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date2monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    MonthOneManufJobTotal = manufJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date1monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date1monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    MonthOneJobTotal = allJobs.Where(x => x.InvoiceDate.Month == date1monthago.Month && x.InvoiceDate.Year == date1monthago.Year).GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    ManufTotal = manufJobs.GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),
    Total = allJobs.GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count(),

    PercentageOf = ((decimal)manufJobs.GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count() / (decimal)allJobs.GroupBy(x => x.Repair.Job).Count()) * 100

            return query2.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();


var query = from item in context.Invoices.AsNoTracking()
                    where item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Any(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                    && (item.InvoiceDate >= date12monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
                    && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
                    select item;

        if (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0)
            query = query.Where(item => item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(x => x.RegionId).Contains(regionId.Value));

        if (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0)
            query = query.Where(item => item.Repair.Job.Vehicle.Model.VehicleTypes.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(vehicleTypeId.Value));

              var query2 = from item in hey
                     group item by new { item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop, item.InvoiceDate.Month } into m
                     select new TReport
                         Bodyshop = m.Key.Bodyshop.Name,
                         Bays = m.Key.Bodyshop.Bays,
                         Region = m.Key.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).Region.Name,
                         BodyshopCode = m.Key.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).BodyshopCode,
                         Total = m.Count(),
                         ManufTotal = m.Where(x => x.Repair.Job.Vehicle.Model.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).Count(),
                         Totals = m.GroupBy(j => j.InvoiceDate.Month).Select(j => new TPercentReportInner
                             Month = j.Key,
                             ManufTotal = j.Where(x => x.Repair.Job.Vehicle.Model.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).Count(),
                             AllTotal = j.Count()

Ive cut the query down. But even this is performing now worse than before?

like image 265
Beginner Avatar asked Sep 10 '15 14:09


People also ask

Which is faster LINQ or Entity Framework?

LINQ To SQL is slow for the first time run. After first run provides acceptable performance. Entity Framework is also slow for the first run, but after first run provides slightly better performance compared to LINQ To SQL. Microsoft intended to obsolete LINQ To SQL after the Entity Framework releases.

Are LINQ queries faster?

Most of the times, LINQ will be a bit slower because it introduces overhead. Do not use LINQ if you care much about performance. Use LINQ because you want shorter better readable and maintainable code. So your experience is that LINQ is faster and makes code harder to read and to maintain?

2 Answers

I would start by removing the hardcoded optional conditionals from your query, which will allow the query optimizer to use different query plans based on the parameters you have, like:

var query = from item in context.Invoices.AsNoTracking()
            where item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(x => x.ManufacturerId).Contains(manufacturerId)
            && (item.InvoiceDate >= date12monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
            && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
            select item;

if (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0)
    query=query.Where(item=>item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(x => x.RegionId).Contains(regionId.Value));

if (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0)
    query=query.Where(item=>item.Repair.Job.Vehicle.Model.VehicleTypes.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(vehicleTypeId.Value));

var query2 = from item in query
             group item by new { item.InvoiceDate.Month, item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop } into g
             select new TReport
                 BodyshopId = g.Key.Bodyshop.Id,  
                 Month = g.Key.Month,
                 MonthAllJobTotal = g.Count()

return query2.ToList();

You could also check to see if converting .Select(x=>x.id).Contains(id) or .Any(x=>x.Id==id) performs faster although I would think they would be similar in query plan and execution speed. That would give you:

var query = from item in context.Invoices.AsNoTracking()
            where item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Any(m=>m.ManufacturerId==manufacturerId)
            && (item.InvoiceDate >= date12monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
            && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
            select item;

if (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0)

if (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0)

var query2 = from item in query
             group item by new { item.InvoiceDate.Month, item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop } into g
             select new TReport
                 BodyshopId = g.Key.Bodyshop.Id,  
                 Month = g.Key.Month,
                 MonthAllJobTotal = g.Count()

return query2.ToList();

Based on what you have, I would guess the .AsNoTracking() is doing very little for you, but it couldn't hurt. It has a bigger effect when retrieving large numbers of entities which this doesn't appear to be doing.

I would then clean up and standardize your query by removing the hardcoded ManufacturerId as well, which would give you:

var query = from item in context.Invoices.AsNoTracking()
            where (item.InvoiceDate >= date12monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
            && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
            select item;

if (manufacturerId.HasValue && manufacturerId.Value > 0)

if (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0)

if (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0)

var query2 = from item in query
             group item by new { item.InvoiceDate.Month, item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop } into g
             select new TReport
                 BodyshopId = g.Key.Bodyshop.Id,  
                 Month = g.Key.Month,
                 MonthAllJobTotal = g.Count()

return query2.ToList();

and then lastly, I would return an IQueryable instead of List so that if you don't need one or more columns they can be dropped from the final query as well like:

public IQueryable<Report> GetReport(CmsEntities context, long? manufacturerId, long? regionId, long? vehicleTypeId)
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        var today = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
        var date1monthago = today.AddMonths(-1);
        var date2monthago = today.AddMonths(-2);
        var date3monthago = today.AddMonths(-3);
        var date4monthago = today.AddMonths(-4);
        var date5monthago = today.AddMonths(-5);
        var date6monthago = today.AddMonths(-6);
        today = TimeManager.EndOfDay(new DateTime(now.AddMonths(-1).Year, today.AddMonths(-1).Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(now.Year, today.AddMonths(-1).Month)));             

    var query = from item in context.Invoices.AsNoTracking()
                where (item.InvoiceDate >= date12monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
                && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
                select item;

    if (manufacturerId.HasValue && manufacturerId.Value > 0)

    if (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0)

    if (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0)

    var query2 = from item in query
                 group item by new { item.InvoiceDate.Month, item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop } into g
                 select new TReport
                     BodyshopId = g.Key.Bodyshop.Id,  
                     Month = g.Key.Month,
                     MonthAllJobTotal = g.Count()

    return query2;

Then I would break these apart and convert these to extension methods:

public static class MyExtensions 
    public static IQueryable<Invoice> Recent(this IQueryable<Invoice> context,long? manufacturerId=null,long? regionId=null,long? vehicleId=null)
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        var today = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
        var date1monthago = today.AddMonths(-1);
        var date2monthago = today.AddMonths(-2);
        var date3monthago = today.AddMonths(-3);
        var date4monthago = today.AddMonths(-4);
        var date5monthago = today.AddMonths(-5);
        var date6monthago = today.AddMonths(-6);
        today = TimeManager.EndOfDay(new DateTime(now.AddMonths(-1).Year, today.AddMonths(-1).Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(now.Year, today.AddMonths(-1).Month)));             

        var query = from item in context.Invoices.AsNoTracking()
                where (item.InvoiceDate >= date12monthago && item.InvoiceDate <= today)
                && (item.InvType == "I" || item.InvType == null)
                select item;

        if (manufacturerId.HasValue && manufacturerId.Value > 0)

        if (regionId.HasValue && regionId.Value > 0)

        if (vehicleTypeId.HasValue && vehicleTypeId.Value > 0)
    return query;
public static IQueryable<Report> ToReport(this IQueryable<Invoice> context)
    return (from item in query
                 group item by new { item.InvoiceDate.Month, item.Repair.Job.Bodyshop } into g
                 select new TReport
                     BodyshopId = g.Key.Bodyshop.Id,  
                     Month = g.Key.Month,
                     MonthAllJobTotal = g.Count()


Now you can do the following:

var reports=db.Invoices.Recent.ToReport(); 


var reports=db.Invoices.Recent(ManufacturerEnum.Toyota).ToReport();
like image 87
Robert McKee Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 01:10

Robert McKee

You could implementen paging to avoid materialize all results. I mean, you could implement Skip and Take linq methods.

Simple example based on your code:

public IList<Report> GetReport(CmsEntities context, long manufacturerId, long? regionId, long? vehicleTypeId, int pageSize, int currentPage)

        //Code removed to simplify

        return  query2.Skip(pageSize * currentPage).Take(pageSize );

like image 43
Fermín Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 02:10
