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New posts in spatial-query

Find the smallest area rectangle covering a query point

Getting list of spatial points from polygon within query

What ADO type is the Geography spatial type from SQL Server 2008?

c# sql ado.net spatial-query

Possible to calculate closest locations via lat/long in better than O(n) time?

Calculating the outer boundary of several Geometry objects in SQL Server 2008

Linq & unsupported data types (Geography)

Do I need specific configuration for Spatialite with GeoDjango?

Spatial Intersect of two SQL Server layers/tables

Most efficient way to get points within radius of a point with sql server spatial

Adding simple AND after JOIN kills performance

What is the best way to query a database for records within n miles of a zip code?

Spatial queries on AWS SimpleDB

Best Performance-Critical Algorithm for Solving Nearest Neighbor

How to implement Spatial(Geo-Location) searching in Grails?

Spatial query using my SQL

mysql polygon spatial-query

how do I cluster a list of geographic points by distance?

how do i create a circle Geometry with a radius and co-ordinates of center, using MySQL Spatial Extensions?

mysql spatial spatial-query