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Why PHP Solr extension gives exception "Unsuccessful query request"

php exception solr

Should I prefer integers or strings in my Solr schema if a field will fit either one?

solr lucene

When querying Solr using SolrNet, what is the easiest way to see the actual Url that gets requested?

.net url solr solrnet

Exception writing document id to the index; possible analysis error

java solr solrj

Solr Error Document is missing mandatory uniqueKey field id


How to temporarily disable sitecore indexing while editing items

Solr 6 and Nutch 2.3.1 integration

solr nutch

How to download Solr collection config from zookeeper

Total number of documents in pysolr

python-2.7 solr pysolr

Using AND, OR and NOT in Solr Query

syntax lucene solr

Solr sunspot in different environments

How to use SpellingResult class in SolrJ

java solr solrj spell-checking

Should I keep the size of stored fields in Solr to a minimum?

SOLR - PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory Facet Query

Adding multiple values in php Solr

php solr

SQL Select FOR XML into Solr document

sql-server xml solr sqlxml

Multiple facets per field with Solr

search solr faceted-search

Garbage Collection Optimization in Java/Tomcat/Solr

Retrieve Object from Solr

java json solr solrj

Solr WordDelimiterFilter generate word parts and catenate in query
