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How to send SOAP request and Parse SOAP response in XML format in Android?

Embedded web server with integrated XML parser

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in R, how can I call a web service if I have WSDL description of it? (consume web service)

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Generate SoapServer from WSDL in PHP

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PHP SOAP Client error

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Onvif - trying to understand how it works

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Node soap, consume password protected WSDL

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How to store value in array with dictionary for soap web service ios

NuSoap - How to use local, existing WSDL file in nusoap_client PHP

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Cvc-elt.1: Cannot Find The Declaration Of Element 'soap:Envelope'

xml soap xsd

Adding WSDL to project creates only types, no entry to app.config and throws three errors

Bing Ads API V11 Exception : Invalid client data. Check the SOAP fault details for more information

WSSE - Sign an element inside soapenv:Header

How can I get Axis 1.4 to not generate several prefixes for the same XML namespace?

java xml soap namespaces axis

How do I prevent DateTime from including zone offset in SOAP xsd:dateTime element?

.net datetime soap

Recommendations for Soap Webservice Testing Apps

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Adding authentication functionality to soap server (Using Zend)?

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how do I test an MTOM webservice with soapUI?

soap web-services soapui mtom

Can an API in SOAP/WSDL be kept backwards compatible easily?

How to consume a SOAP service over HTTPS in C#?

.net web-services soap ssl https