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Adding WSDL to project creates only types, no entry to app.config and throws three errors

I'm trying to add service reference to my (.NET 4.6) project.
When I choose Add Service Reference and add URL of WSDL I can see it is correctly discovered: enter image description here

I've unchecked Reuse types in all referenced assemblies as shown below: enter image description here

But when I click OK I get three warnings in Error List window:

Warning 1 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.XmlSerializerMessageContractImporter Error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.Serialization.StructMapping' to type 'System.Xml.Serialization.MembersMapping'. XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://bik.pl/cc/big']/wsdl:portType[@name='BIG']

Warning 3 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:port Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is dependent on. XPath to wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://bik.pl/cc/big']/wsdl:binding[@name='BIGBinding'] XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://bik.pl/cc/big']/wsdl:service[@name='BIG']/wsdl:port[@name='BIG']

Warning 2 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:binding Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:portType that the wsdl:binding is dependent on. XPath to wsdl:portType: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://bik.pl/cc/big']/wsdl:portType[@name='BIG'] XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://bik.pl/cc/big']/wsdl:binding[@name='BIGBinding']

I've tried different options while importing, but I get those errors all the time.
I've validated WSDL using www.wsdl-analyzer.com but it shows no error: enter image description here

Here is quality report: https://www.wsdl-analyzer.com/qualityReport/show/1784995829?version=1

SoapUI correctly shows all operations and I'm able to do them from SoapUI, but I need to add reference to my project in Visual Studio.

Below are links to WSDL and XSD:



How can I import this WSDL into my project? I'm unable to modify structure of that WSDL, so I must use it as it is.

EDIT: I've installed XMLSpy and opened that WSDL in it. After opening I got message saying that WSDL is valid.

like image 479
Misiu Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 09:11


People also ask

What is WSDL used for?

WSDL is an XML notation for describing a web service. A WSDL definition tells a client how to compose a web service request and describes the interface that is provided by the web service provider.

How do I create a WSDL file in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, create or open an Enterprise Server Application project that contains a WSDL file that describes a COBOL application. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the WSDL file; then select Generate Web Service from the context menu.

1 Answers

Probably the problem has already been solved in a different way (other technology, resignation from the contract), but if you are still interested, the problem is that wsdl.exe don't support circular reference in element definition.

<xs:element name="raport-z-rej-zap">
    <!-- ... -->
        <xs:element ref="tns:raport-z-rej-zap" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
    <!-- ... -->

All You need is to define named complex type insted of anonymous:

<xs:element name="raport-z-rej-zap" type="tns:Raport-z-rej-zap">
        <xs:documentation>Struktura raportow z Rejestru Zapytan (ref. 6.6)</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType name="Raport-z-rej-zap">
            <xs:element name="naglowek" type="tns:TypNaglowekRaportu" />
            <xs:element name="pytajacy" type="tns:TypDanePodmiotuPytajacego" minOccurs="0" />
            <xs:element name="dane-zap" type="tns:TypDaneZapytaniaZRejZap" minOccurs="0" />
            <xs:element name="uwagi-i-ostrz" type="tns:TypUwagOstrzezen" minOccurs="0" />
            <xs:element name="podmiot" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:element name="dane-podm" type="tns:TypDanePodmiotu" />
                        <xs:element name="tresc-rap" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                <xs:documentation>Tresc uprzednio przekazanego raportu</xs:documentation>
                                    <xs:element ref="tns:raport-fin" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
                                    <xs:element ref="tns:raport-dok" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
                                    <xs:element name="raport-z-rej-zap" type="tns:Raport-z-rej-zap" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
            <xs:element name="suma-kontr" type="tns:TypSumaKontrolna" minOccurs="0" />
        <xs:element name="blad-przetw" type="tns:TypBladPrzetw" />
        <xs:element name="blad-struktury" type="tns:TypKomunikatAdministracyjny">
                <xs:documentation>zadanie operacji na bazie danych odrzucone z powodu bledow struktury (rezultat = blad struktury).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="certyfikat" type="tns:TypRaportCertyfikat" />

Or delete from wsdl element:

<wsdl:operation name="pobranie-raportu-z-rej-zap">

AFAIK You can't call this operation - it is reserved for BIG Infomonitor use.

like image 179
Tomasz Bochyński Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10

Tomasz Bochyński