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How an authorization service implements ownership checks in a role-based microservice architecture

SOA style architecture in ColdFusion?

Referential Integrity of Data Between Services

Proper RESTful SOA approach in PHP applications?

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What is the general view on using Staging tables? We use them a lot for Order imports from External vendors

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SOA Architecture with WCF + IOC Structuremap

SOA principals - should a service call another service?

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ServiceBus Architecture Pros and Cons

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JAX-WS Asynchonous client techniques for calling web services

Mid-Tier Help Needed

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So am I talking about a SOA here?

ESB for Python? [closed]

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Deploying an SOA style application within a PAAS

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Can a service call another service inside its code?

Concepts involved in WS security?

Any use case for SOAP over SMTP/JMS?

Microservices and SOA using messaging

Anti-pattern of SOA or WCF

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SaaS, SOA and Web Services

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Difference between SOA and ESB

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