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New posts in skspritenode

Changing sprite Images in Sprite-Kit

How do I detect which SKSpriteNode has been touched

Change SpriteNode PhysicsBody Size at Run Time

Using custom SKNodes in spritekit scene editor

Confusion about coordinates, frames & child nodes in SpriteKit on iOS?

How can I modify the size of SpriteKit nodes in Swift?

SKLightNode cast shadow issue

Why is the coordinate system in sprite kit flipped and can I change that globally?

sprite-kit skspritenode

No bundle for bundleID, SpriteKit

How to change a spritenode opacity

Can't tap SKSpriteNode - no touch detected ios

What's the difference of setScale and size of SKSpriteNodes in SpriteKit and Swift?

Pause SpriteKit game with Physics SKSpriteNode child

Swift / SpriteKit: How to create a water drop effect?

How to progressively blur a SKSpriteNode's image using Sprite Kit?

How to copy SKSpriteNode with SKPhysicsBody?

Swift SKSpriteNode with UIImage

How do you move an IOS SKSprite at a consistent speed

Merging or flattening background nodes to improve game performance?