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return different value from a before do block in sinatra

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Sharing Ruby variables between Sinatra requests

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MVC pattern for sinatra frame work

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How to read headers in Sinatra?

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Force browser to download file instead of opening it

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Global rescue and logging exceptions in Sinatra

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Sinatra + Heroku + Datamapper deploy issues with dm-sqlite-adapter

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Tutorials to Testing using RSPEC on PADRINO framework on RUBY

Setting up Associations with DataMapper & Sinatra

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How to set a custom directory for layouts in Sinatra?

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Sinatra does not start with twitter gem

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Issues with Sinatra and Ruby 1.9.2 on Shotgun

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Sinatra: run ruby code when a URL is hit

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How to use haml with heroku?

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What ORM to use in one process multiple db connections sinatra application?

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Sinatra: Undefined method bytesize for Hash [closed]

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Python equivalent of a ruby Gem file

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sinatra stopped with ctrl z -- now it won't restart because it says port 4567 is already being used

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How to run a cron job in Heroku, with a Sinatra app

How does one access all form fields in Sinatra?

ruby sinatra