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New posts in sinatra

Passing post data to other pages in Sinatra

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Sinatra pass variables to erb

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Sinatra - Multiple public directories

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Ruby Sinatra - connect to mongoDB on mongoHQ failed

How can I run sinatra inside existing rails application?

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How to Silence SQLite3 logger in Sinatra with Active Record?

How to run Sinatra job in background?

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Sinatra: Log noise when running rspec tests

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Ruby Sinatra configured to work on production and development

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Sinatra set cache_control to static files in public folder compile error

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Accessing session in Sinatra Middleware

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How do I perform a $geoIntersects query with Mongoid?

General advice and recommended folder structure - Sinatra

Disable Sinatra standard output

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Undefined method auto_upgrade! when pushing Sinatra/DataMapper app to Heroku

How to use Sinatra's Haml-helper inside a model?

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Sinatra Warden with existing Ruby on Rails application that uses Devise

Error block not working in Sinatra app


How to pass Puma::Configuration to Sinatra?

ruby sinatra puma