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New posts in sinatra

In a Sinatra App on Heroku, Session Is Not Shared Across Dynos

Rackup to use Thin instead of WEBrick

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Generating an Instagram- or Youtube-like unguessable string ID in ruby/ActiveRecord

Stubbing RestClient response in RSpec

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Rendering 404 in sinatra if file not found

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Empty, uneditable pg_hba.conf file

Read an image pixel by pixel in Ruby

Change Time zone in pure ruby (not rails)

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Can I do Sinatra program without restart server?

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Sinatra/1.4.3 use Rack::Session::Cookie warning

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What's the difference between Rack and Passenger?

Heroku app fails to start - `require': no such file to load -- sinatratestapp (LoadError)

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Can't launch simple Sinatra app using rackup and jRuby (no response from web server)

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Accessing headers from Sinatra

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Using bundle exec may solve this?

What is the correct way to setup database with DataMapper and Sinatra on production server?

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Passing options to rackup via a Sinatra application

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How do you choose your HTTP server in Sinatra?

Backbone.js create method not sending parameters to sinatra

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Sinatra: What's the correct way to serve a plain old file?

ruby sinatra