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New posts in sinatra

Sinatra app that redirects POST/GET requests with parameters

ruby redirect sinatra

Decoding Facebook's signed request in Ruby/Sinatra

How to pre-select checkbox in angularJs with ng-checked

How can I control caching for static assets when using Sinatra? [closed]

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How to add a stylesheet to the layout's head of a HAML template in Sinatra?

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Setting status code in Sinatra's custom error block

Sinatra Error Handling in Ruby

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Several optional parameters in sinatra route

ruby sinatra padrino

Sinatra and session variables which are not being set

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Cannot access sinatra app through the local network

HTTP streaming connection (SSE) client disconnect not detected with Sinatra/Thin on Heroku

How can I delete a file in Sinatra after it has been sent via send_file?

ruby sinatra

Why am I getting the error "db_name must be a string or symbol"?

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Deploy Gollum wiki to Heroku

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Stream console output through HTTP (with Ruby)

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Sinatra - response.set_cookie doesn't work

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Sinatra request["SOME_HEADER"] doesn't work on POST; doc bug?

ruby sinatra rack

Why is my sinatra website so slow?

performance sinatra

Override Sinatra default NotFound error page

ruby sinatra

Unable to activate sinatra-1.4.7, because rack-2.0.1 conflicts with rack (~> 1.5)

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